LEA Policy
College Bound Academy receives Title I, Part A funds and therefore must jointly develop with, agree on with,
and distribute to parents and family members of participating children a written parent and family
engagement policy that contains information required by Section 1116(a)(2) of the Every Student Succeeds
Act (ESSA). The policy establishes the LEA's expectations and objectives for meaningful parent and family
engagement activities.
College Bound Academy is committed to creating and promoting a "Great Culture" by partnering with
families, communities, and the schools to support the academic success of all children by strengthening the
engagement of families. Programs and practices will be established to meet the diverse needs, languages,
and cultures of children and families. College Bound Academy recognizes the word "parent" also includes
guardians and other family members that engaged in the child's educational process.
College Bound Academy will put into operation programs, activities, and procedures for the engagement of
parents and family members in all of its schools with Title I, Part A programs. These programs, activities, and
procedures will be planned and operated with meaningful consultation with parents and family members of
participating children. Consistent with Section 1116, the district will work with its schools to ensure that the
required school-level parent and family engagement policies meet the requirements of Section 1116(b) of
the ESSA, and each include as a component a school-parent compact consistent with Section 1116(d) of the
College Bound Academy will provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English
proficiency, limited literacy, disabilities, who are economically disadvantaged, or are of any racial or ethnic
minority background, including providing information and school reports required under Section 1111 of the
ESSA in an understandable and uniform format including alternative formats upon request and, to the extent
practicable, in a language parents understand.
College Bound Academy believes that parental involvement means the participation of parents in regular,
two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities,
including ensuring:
Parents participate in assisting their child's learning
Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child's education at school
Parents are partners in their child's education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and
on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child
Other activities are carried out, such as those described in Section 1116 of the ESEA
College Bound Academy will conduct, with the meaningful involvement of parents and family members, an
annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parent and family engagement policy in improving
the academic quality of all schools served under the part, including identifying:
Barriers to greater participation by parents/families in activities authorized by this (with particular
attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English
proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background);
The needs of parents and family members to assist with the learning of their children, including
engaging with school personnel and teachers; and
Strategies to support successful school and family interactions
College Bound Academy will use the findings of such evaluation to design evidence-based strategies for more
effective parental and family engagement, and to revise, if necessary, the parent and family engagement
policies Section 1116(a)(2).
College Bound Academy promotes and supports developing lasting partnerships with families, communities,
and businesses to build capacity for practices and activities that nurture student success. Which strengthens
the families' access to resources; businesses/community organizations partner with schools to create
programs that connect to the workplace; and students serve and learn beyond their school environment.
College Bound Academy recognizes the importance of administrative leadership in setting expectations and
creating a climate conducive to parent involvement. They are committed to providing professional
development opportunities and training for parents and staff throughout the year to enhance understanding
of effective parent involvement strategies.
Adopted: April 19, 2019